Monday, September 21, 2009

jetBlue Softball Tourney 09'

The Jetblue Softball Tournament this weekend was a BLAST! It started out bright and early Saturday morning with our first game against the JFK Tech ops/Materials Team. Unlike last years tournament where we lost all three games in a row, we actually WON! After about an hour break we had our next game against the Ft. Lauderdale Pilots. Once again,...we WON! Finally it was time for a break where we grilled some hot dogs, burgers and of course drink a few cold ones. It was almost time for us to start packing up the grill and head back to the field when the thunder started to roll in and the lightning detection system went off. We patietnly waited for about three hours when the decision was made to call off all the games for the rest of the night and try again tomorrow. Sundays games started nice and early too since we had to play our third bracket game. Our third game in the bracket was against the JFK Inflight Team and if you can believe it we actually went undefeated. We received a nice trophy to hang in our breakroom in West Palm Beach. Now that we made it ito the winners bracket of the tournament it was time to play the real tough teams. Our First game was against the team that came all the way from San Juan, Puerto Rico. The San Juan team has gone deep into the tournament the past few years, so we knew we had a tough game ahead. San Juan always brings a great cheering section with drums, horns and loud chants. It was our cheering section led by my beautiful fiance that kept us in the game. It came down to the bottom of the last inning and we had the winning run in scoring position, unfortunatley we could not come through and we lost a heartbreaker by just one run! Our next game was a must win for us since it was a double elimination tournament and we found out we were playing our good friends on the Ft. Lauderdale team. A few of the players on the FLL Team play on our Thursday night league team, so we knew we would have another tough game. Sadly, the FLL team was on a winning streak coming into our game and they were able to keep their streak alive with a tough win against us. It was a fun game and a fun two days in the sun, but boy did it feel good to get into bed...We slept great last night!

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